Recording source: Doran's SkyDrive

Recording source: Incabocla
Águia Dourada
Eu vi o meu povo amarrado
Todo acorrentado por falta de amor
Minha mãezinha estava comigo
E me sustentava com seu grande amor

Eu estava um palmo acima
Pois ninguém sentia o perfume da flor
Eu elevei o meu pensamento
Logo eu fui chegando na Casa do Amor

Nem bem chegando logo eu fui descendo
Pois o meu Amor o meu Pai bem testou
Pensei comigo eu não sou covarde
Por esta bandeira eu devo ter Amor

Eu fui voltando todo humilhado
Perdoe meu Mestre pronto aqui estou
O meu perdão eu fui recebendo
Pois Águia Dourada se apresentou
Águia Dourada
I saw my people bound
All shackled by a lack of love
My Mommy was with me
And sustained me with her great love

I thought I was a cut above everyone else
Because no one sensed the scent of the flower
I lifted my thoughts
Soon I would arrive in the House of Love

Not arriving soon enough, I fell
Because of my Love, my Father tested me hard
I thought that with him I am not a coward
I have to love this banner

I returned entirely humbled
Forgive me, my Master, here I am ready
I received my forgiveness
The Golden Eagle was presented to me