Recording source: Malcolm Kyle MediaFire
Alma Escrava
Meu trabalho é pedindo que a força
Do Espírito Santo more em mim
O que me custa é limpar a casa
Ficar direitinho, largar o que é ruim

Solto o vento, sai a minha alma
Voa com fúria de encontro ao sol
O que a atrai é o dom e a beleza
A verdade do Filho e o brilho do Pai

As palavras de Jesus Cristo
Perfumam o Espírito que busca o amor
Sôlta a mente, solta o pensamento
Cultive com mimo esse primor

Velejando sobre o mar alto
Com sede e vontade colhe a dor
Entre as ondas solta a incerteza
Torna-se escrava do Imperador
Alma Escrava
My work is asking that the strength
Of the Holy Spirit lives in me
What costs me is to clean the house
Be straight, let go of what’s bad

I let go of the mind, in there goes my soul
Flies with fury toward the sun
What attracts is the gift and the beauty
The truth of the Son and the brilliance of the Father

The words of Jesus Christ
Give perfume to the Spirit that searches for love
Free the mind, let go of the thoughts
Cultivate with caring this perfection

Sailing over the high ocean
With thirst and desire the pain is corrected
In between the waves let go of uncertainty
It becomes the slave of the Emperor