We don't have a recording for this yet
Prece De Haru
Paz, paz no silêncio
Silêncio na mente
No caminho do jardim dourado

Respire com conciencia
Com tranquilidade
Para entrar no templo sagrado
Do nosso Senhor amado


Acorda o espirito
O espirito de Haru
Com as flores pequeninas brotando

Trazendo nova vida
Nova esperança
E o amanhecer do novo dia de aliança
Abençoado pela Mãe Santa

Prayer Of Spring
Peace, peace in silence
Silence in the mind
On the path of the golden garden

Breath with consciousness
With tranquility
To enter into the sacred temple
Of our beloved Lord


Awakens the spirit
The spirit of spring
With the tiny flowers blossoming

Bringing new life
New hope
And the dawning of the new day of aliance
Blessed by the Holy Mother
